Corps Borussia Tübingen
since 1870

Many different festivities

There are many different events and activities on our house, especially during the semesters. Besides cosy evenings around the fireplace in winter, or barbecues with classmates, friends from home and other guests in summer, we have a few regular events on a weekly basis. Please refer to the semester schedule (Semesterprogramm) for more information on those events and the larger festivities.



Members and guests are invited to spend a weekend with us on our so-called Kneipe, twice a semester. We start Friday evenings with a speech, or a presentation on different topics. The participants, from all over Germany, arrive at different times of the evening. On Saturday, the majority takes a walk to the nearby Schwärzlocher Hof (a restaurant and beer garden), a wine tavern, or other places. In summer, we take our punting boat out on the Neckar. The exchange between us, young and old, is at the core of our festivities.

The actual Kneipe is in the evening. We delve into conversations with a pint of beer (alcohol-free, as well), or an apple spritzer. In between, we sing old student songs and listen to a few speeches – some well prepared and others more spontaneous.

The following day starts with a wholesome breakfast at the house, after which most people leave with memories of a great weekend and the intention of coming back again, soon. In short, a Kneipe is a social event with friends and new acquaintances, intense discussions and loads of fun. We’d be more than happy to invite you on one of our Kneipen for a first-hand experience.

Semester balls

Balls have, unfortunately, become a rather seldom happening nowadays. However, we believe it’s a great way, for both young and old, to have fun. So, we decided to preserve this practice and make sure it does not go lost. Once a year, in winter and sometimes in summer, we host a big ball at our house. Everybody is invited and guests are welcome to announce their appearance. The balls we’ve had so far have had great resonance with lots of dancing, great food and interesting conversation till the early hours of the morning. Besides the welcome change in attire, balls are a great way to learn and practise decorum that may be needed in one’s future professional circles. Check out the photos of our past balls in our gallery!


Österberg seminars

Around 2009, one of our members put some thought into continued education for lawyers in Germany. After numerous phone calls, discussions and lots of effort, the first Österberg seminar was held in the Winter Semester of 2009. It is a single-day advanced training with high-profiled speakers and participants. The attendance includes professors, (former) judges, members of other corporations and interested guests, mostly with a juridical background. The founder of this initiative travels all the way from the United States (where he presently works) to attend the seminars, every year.

Each seminar focuses on a different field of law, hence on another target audience.
We strongly recommend the seminars to all law students. The seminars are approved by the German Bar Association due to the high credibility of the speakers involved, thereby reaffirming the quality of these seminars.


Three years following the first law-seminar and due to its great success, a similar seminar was initiated for medical doctors, at Corps Rhenania. Both seminars take place every year, on the same day, and attend to a growing audience.


Study Start Weekends

We organise an orientation-weekend, every year, for new and prospective students at the University of Tübingen. If you’ve just finished school, or are still in the process, you’re not sure what to expect from university-life. This is where we come in: to inform you about studying in general, our own degree programmes and the student-life around it all. Our aim is to shed light on the notion of academic aspiration and answer as many queries as possible relative to the various academic degrees and courses of interest.


Moreover, we hope to serve as a point of reference and contact for all questions regarding application procedures and other university-related queries.
In our opinion, deciding on a path of studies should be done diligently and not haphazardly. The more information you have, the better. This orientation weekend is to help everyone involved attain the information required and have an exchange with more experienced students and professionals.

Besides the academic aspect, we make sure you get an overview of life in Tübingen and all it has to offer. We make sure the weekend is interesting and fun, with lots of exciting activities and a relaxed, personal atmosphere. Punting and a drink at the local pub are standard on our programme!
We remain at your disposal for any questions you, or your friends may have.